Source Houston Helps
Help where you can.
"It takes a village" is definitely the truth. We believe in helping wherever we can however much we can. Plain and simple.
Cover The Cold.
It's getting cold in Houston! If you are joining Source Houston this Wednesday evening 11/14/18 - we are collecting cold weather items for those in need. Please think about going through your closets and donating if you are led to do so.
Source Houston Teams up with SourceCon
Our hearts and minds are filled with remorse and sadness for our city. First and foremost, we hope everyone is safe. We are sending prayers and positive vibes to all of you. The Source Houston team will not sit idly on our hands during the time of need in our city. Just like many of you have already jumped into the fray to help your neighbors, we will do the same.
Source Houston has established a donation fund (on right) to help us get involved at local shelters here in Houston and ERE Media is backing us up! For every $500 dollars donated from our recruiting community, SourceCon is giving away a free pass to one of our members this September.
Here is what we are doing now
We have divided Source Houston Staff into groups in areas around the city.
We are buying cleaning supplies, diapers, and anything that our local shelters need (within 5 miles of our homes) and donating them in real time.
Some of us will be donating time, giving blood, and just pitching in where we can make an impact no matter how small.
We urge you to help in your communities, donate to whatever fund you are led to, and to pray/send positive vibes for everyone affected. We also urge you to keep up the pace as national efforts and attention dwindle in a few weeks. Shelters will still need volunteers in the coming weeks as others return to work. Stay strong, and God Bless.
Your partners in success,
Source Houston Staff